

403.289.8285 Unit 1 4624 16th Ave NW · Calgary · Alberta · T3B 0M8


A system of complementary medicine that involves pricking the skin or tissues with needles, used to alleviate pain and to treat various physical, mental, and emotional conditions. Originating in ancient China, acupuncture is now widely practised in the West.

Calgary Acupuncture: Century Wellness Clinic

Is an ancient traditional method of healing art in which acupuncture needles are used to tap into different acupuncture points in the meridian system to allow “chi” energy to flow in harmony. Balancing the “chi” energy will allow the body to function without putting stresses to our daily living.

However, due to acute or chronic spinal and muscular imbalances, the body could manifest blockage of meridian system therefore resulting in accumulation of “chi” or deficiency in “chi” which results in dysfunctions to health. These imbalances usually manifest within the muscles of our body that could lead to further spinal imbalances as well symptoms of pain and disability. Acupuncture treatment is a great adjunctive treatment along spinal adjustment to assist in the overall goal to correct the alignment.

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